Education Area
This section is aimed at upper secondary schools with the purpose of expanding and supporting the teaching of medieval epic both in person and online. Exercises specifically designed to grasp the fundamental aspects of the chansons de geste, and particularly the Chanson de Roland, will be proposed. This epic text is among the most well-known and studied in educational institutions.
The dropdown menu includes the following areas:
Face to Face Learning - A collection of ideas aimed at engaging activities to be conducted in the classroom and to be added to any proposals within the EAS (episodes of situated learning) or flipped classroom framework. The goal is to develop students' experiential, emotional, and creative learning.
Integrated Digital Learning (IDL) - A collection of interactive, game-based exercises focusing on the covered themes and aimed at self-learning and self-assessment by students. Through the provided link, one can access the activities, which can be used both during video lessons and at home as a teaching aid. The exercises are also suitable for reinforcing vocabulary in the context of learning Italian as a second language (L2).
With the aim of providing stimulating materials and in-depth content, a Padlet has been set up in the DDI section. It will be constantly updated with texts, videos, and news on the discussed topics. It will serve as a resource pool for teachers and students to delve deeper into the epic genre and its presence in contemporary imagination.